Custom Button Extension

The Custom Button Extension empowers you to create tailored call-to-action buttons directly on your checkout page. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Install Wildwood Checkout: Ensure the Wildwood Checkout app is installed and activated on your Shopify store.
  2. Select Your Checkout Profile: Navigate to your preferred checkout profile in shopify.
  3. Enable the Custom Button Extension: Locate and add the Custom Button Extension to your chosen profile.
  4. Customize Your Button:
    • Choose the button’s placement on the checkout page.
    • Add a clear and engaging button label (e.g., “Explore More” or “Shop Accessories”).
    • Specify the URL or action the button should perform, such as linking to a promotion or directing customers to a specific page.
  5. Style the Button: Adjust the button’s design and placement.

With your custom button set up, you can guide your customers to take action, explore more, and engage further with your store during checkout!